Here are the questions, answers, and explanations from our Online MTT Quiz.
Question #1. What can you do to decrease variance in poker tournaments? Select all that apply.
Play tournaments with a flatter payout structure
Play larger field tournaments (bigger prizepools)
Increase the number of tournaments you play
Never rebuy in tournaments
Explanation: Tournament variance depends on payout structure, field size, and # of tournaments that you play. The best ways to decrease tournament variance is to decrease the field size of the tournaments you play, and put in a ton of volume!
Question #2. True or False: You enter a $100 tournament and receive 10,000 chips. On hand #1, you double up to 20,000 chips. You now have $200 worth of equity in the tournament.
Explanation: Multiplying your stack does not multiply its value. This is due to the principle of diminishing chip value: The chips risked are worth more than the chips won, and the more chips you have, the less each chip is worth.
Question #3. You are playing a $100 tournament with a 12.5% ante. You are playing 100bbs deep in the big blind and face a 3x raise from early position. Should you defend wider or tighter than you would in a 100bb cash game?
Defend wider in the big blind
Defend tighter in the big blind
If you are 100bb deep in both, you should defend with the same range
Explanation: You should defend wider in the big blind in tournaments than in cash games. This is due to the ante in play (and no rake that some cash games have). The ante causes you to have better pot odds and allows you to defend more hands profitably.
Question #4. Action folds to you in the Lojack. Should you be raising more often when you have 100bbs or 30bbs?
Raise with the same range
Explanation: You should open raise more hands at 30bbs than at 100bbs from the LJ. This is because as you get shorter, you will realize more equity with hands when playing out of position. This stack depth diminishes the positional advantage of the HJ, CO, and BTN and doesn’t allow them to 3-bet or call as many hands vs you in position.
Question #5. You are in the BB with 25bb and the CO raises. Which hand is a better hand to use as a 3-bet bluff?
Explanation: At this stack depth, always think about blockers and equity realization. Holding a K reduces the amount of Kx hands in the opponent’s RFI range by 25%. It also has very poor equity realization from out of position if played as a call. Bonus Info: A hand like K6o only realizes about 70% of its equity when played out of position, whereas A5s actually over-realizes its equity at this stack depth! So, it would not be good to 3-bet/fold A5s. Use A5s as a call, and off-suit blocker hands as your 3-bet bluffs!
Question #6. When you are in the Small Blind and action folds to you, should you be limping more often at shallow stacks or deeper stacks?
Limp more when deep stacked
Limp more when shallow stacked
Explanation: You should limp more when deep-stacked. This is due to positional advantage that the big blind has. The deeper you are, the larger the positional advantage is, so the SB player has incentive to keep the pot small.
Question #7. You are at the final table of a 500 person tournament with 5 players left. You are in 2nd in the BB with 18bb and the player in 5th has 3bbs and is on your left. The action folds to the chip leader (50bbs) in the SB who goes all-in. The opponents cards flip over and he has KQs. You look down at A9o, should you call?
Explanation: You should fold. Although you have 54% equity, you have a high incentive not to go broke before the short stack. This should cause you to call off very tight in situations like this.
Question #8. When you are 3-betting off of 80bbs, should you use a larger size in position or out of position?
In position
Out of position
Use the same 3-bet size
Explanation: When you are out of position, you want to use a larger 3-bet size to dis-incentivize your opponent from calling. This is because playing post-flop from out of position will cause you to under-realize your equity whereas when you are in position you will likely over-realize your equity.
Question #9. Typically, in what situations should you lead on the turn?
When you have a marginal hand so you can find out where you are
When the turn card gives your range an equity and ev advantage
When you have a draw that doesn’t want to call a bet
When the turn card is above the highest card on the flop
Explanation: The OOP player wants to lead the turn (bet into the flop aggressor) when the turn cards gives their range an equity an expected value advantage.
Question #10. At the beginning of a $100 PKO ($50 + $50) tournament with a 30,000 starting stack, how many chips is the value of the bounty?
20,000 chips
15,000 chips
10,000 chips
5,000 chips
Explanation: 10,000 chips. In a PKO tournament, when you win someone’s bounty, ½ of their bounty goes into your account (is removed from the prizepool) and ½ of their bounty goes into your bounty (remains in the bounty prizepool). So you should take the $25 and divide it by the rest of the money in the prize-pool from that player ($50 in the normal prize pool and $25 still in the bounty prize pool) = $25/$75 = 33%. Note that as the tournament progresses, a different method is required to determine the value of a bounty in terms of chips.
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