Great video. My only question is: with A♥️3♥️, I guess we could call only for these reasons (and for argument's sake) :
1. With ICM, especially at a final table, you want to stay in play.
2. After calling PF, we still would have a decent stack even if we fold Post Flop.
3. The hand will be pretty simple to play Post Flop: we continue with an A (especially with our stack size+card removal effect), two pairs, trips, flush, and straight draw. A lot of good things could happen post flop.
With all this in mind, maybe A♥️7♥️ is a better candidate, since it cannot flop a wheel draw.
In the end, I agree also shoving seems good, too. This specific hand may be better off mixing, then.
Thanks for your thoughts, JJ.
PS: We share the same initials. Cheers.
Is it possible for Bert to do a reaction video to this to see what parts they agree and disagree on what parts?
Even these guys discussing ICM together.
Please make something of this sort happen JL
Joao Jung
I'd like that very much ! Especially since Bert Stevens wrote a whole chapter about limping with a middle tack at the finale table in the book called Jonathan Little's Excelling at Tough No Limit Hold'em Games. And what is the last hand of this video : a limp in the HJ ! The difference being, here, it is the short stack who is limping. Still, I would have Bert Stevens opinion about all that.
Chris Lorentz
“The difference being it is the short stack who is limping.” - that’s a VERY big difference.
I think Jonathan is making a generalization for people who tend to limp at final tables; they’re usually unbalanced and only doing it with mediocre hands. Also they are taking more risks, seeing more flops, and getting themselves into situations in which they are going to lose more chips by being up against stronger hands. Or they’re going to lose 1 BB unnecessarily when they ultimately fold to raises preflop.
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