When talking about MDF and how it's folds or calls can get confusing, and even Matt misspoke when he was talking about the sb and bb not defending equally by saying the sb might fold less than 70% when I believe he should say more than 70% and he said bb might call more than 70% at 18:05 instead of fold less than 70%. Or call more than 30%. The bb should defend more. So sb should might fold more than 70% and the bb might fold less than 70% was probably the way to say it.
I was reviewing my notes on the hands and it seemed odd to me that AQhh is a fold on the first hand or close to zero but is a call on the 2nd hand vs K85hhd and K63r but then I realized in the 2nd hand it's vs the sb vs the bu in the first hand so I am guessing it's because in the first hand ep only bets 40% vs 68% in the 2nd hand.
Sam Ovind
As always, Matt delivers on some premium content. Great perspective on position, range, and just putting it all together in multiway pots. He was spot on in saying there is so much EV to be gained multiway. In this fast pace/everyone knows how to play poker world all the extra tips and advice are extra clutch. Pumped for part 2, watching at work! lol
great content :) looking forward for the next one. Thanks a lot
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