Poker Strategy

Best Short Stack Strategy Tips For Winning More Tournaments
February 27, 2024 11 min read

Best Short Stack Strategy Tips For Winning More Tournaments

Cash game players are used to playing with hundreds of big blinds in their stacks, but playing deep stacked is a luxury that MTT players often can’t afford. In fact, if you are a tournament […]

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How to Crush Nits in Your Poker Games
February 24, 2024 9 min read

How to Crush Nits in Your Poker Games

There used to be a time when poker nits were able to dominate the game and win big at the poker tables, much thanks to the generally low level of play across the board. As […]

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Cash Game Poker Hand Review: It matters how you get broke
February 13, 2024 8 min read

Cash Game Poker Hand Review: It matters how you get broke

This is a hand I played in a $3/$5 NLHE game that has a mandatory $10 straddle. It had some interesting features that made me bring it to the PokerCoaching Discord group.  Preflop Action – […]

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Beat Freezeout Poker Tournaments with Proper Adjustments
February 9, 2024 11 min read

Beat Freezeout Poker Tournaments with Proper Adjustments

Both live and online poker operators these days offer dozens of different tournament formats like PKOs or re-buy, each offering a slightly different approach to the game. Back in the day, however, freezeout poker tournaments […]

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3-Betting in Poker: How to Pick the Right Spot for a 3-Bet
January 31, 2024 12 min read

3-Betting in Poker: How to Pick the Right Spot for a 3-Bet

If you have watched a single episode of a poker TV show or an hour of a poker live stream, you have surely heard the term 3-bet at least once, as it has become one […]

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Top Adjustments for Beating Calling Stations in Poker
January 26, 2024 11 min read

Top Adjustments for Beating Calling Stations in Poker

Of all the player types you may find at poker tables, calling stations should definitely be your favorites, as they are both very profitable and very easy to play against.  In this guide, I am […]

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Learn How to Play Poker Satellites & Win More Often
January 19, 2024 12 min read

Learn How to Play Poker Satellites & Win More Often

Big poker tournaments offer a chance to win life-changing money, but top events can be a bit out of the price range of an average player. This is exactly why poker satellite tournaments exist, allowing […]

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Floating in Poker – When Should You Do It?
January 16, 2024 11 min read

Floating in Poker – When Should You Do It?

Playing fundamentally good strategy is the secret to success in the game, and mastering basics like your preflop ranges and c-bet situations is the first thing you should learn. However, the more advanced plays like […]

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How to Beat Loose Aggressive Players (LAGs) in Poker
January 5, 2024 11 min read

How to Beat Loose Aggressive Players (LAGs) in Poker

The loose aggressive (LAG) poker playing style is one of the most complex playing styles in the game, and it can lead to great success and massive failure depending on how well one plays it.  […]

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How to Play Ace-Queen Offsuit poorly, and then well!
December 22, 2023 7 min read

How to Play Ace-Queen Offsuit poorly, and then well!

Sometimes, it seems that the Universe is determined for me to find growth edges in my life. Day before yesterday was one of those.  First, playing ace-queen offsuit wrong We had just gotten the afternoon […]

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Deep Stack Strategy Tips That Will Make You a Winner
December 19, 2023 11 min read

Deep Stack Strategy Tips That Will Make You a Winner

Poker is always a game of strategy, but the variety of plays available with a shallow stack is quite limited compared to advanced options with deeper stacks. While playing deep stack is mostly reserved for […]

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Poker Playing Styles You Need to Know
December 12, 2023 10 min read

Poker Playing Styles You Need to Know

Someone once said that poker is a game that takes a day to learn and a lifetime to master, and those words could hardly be truer, as poker is constantly evolving. Unlike many other games […]

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Poker EV – Understand Your Expected Value the Right Way
December 5, 2023 10 min read

Poker EV – Understand Your Expected Value the Right Way

Poker EV, or expected value, is one of the most commonly used terms in modern poker theory. When looking to make a difficult decision at the poker table, the best players out there look to […]

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What Is Fold Equity & How to Utilize This Concept in Your Poker Games
December 1, 2023 8 min read

What Is Fold Equity & How to Utilize This Concept in Your Poker Games

There is more than one way to win a hand of poker, and while making the nuts is fun, seeing your opponent muck their cards when you are bluffing is an even better feeling. The […]

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Poker Strategy 101 – How to Win in Poker More Often
November 28, 2023 15 min read

Poker Strategy 101 – How to Win in Poker More Often

It’s long been said that poker is a game that takes a day to learn and a lifetime to master, and it’s one of the hardest truths about the game. If you are here, you […]

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Cash Game Strategy: Pocket Kings in a Post-Flop Pickle
November 24, 2023 6 min read

Cash Game Strategy: Pocket Kings in a Post-Flop Pickle

Here’s another hand from the PokerCoaching Discord. Our hero, Matt, is in a $5/$5 no-limit hold’em cash game in the Los Angeles area, and is delighted to find K♥K♦UTG7 (traditionally called “UTG+1” – there are […]

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Counting Outs in Poker – How to Count Outs and Calculate Equity
November 21, 2023 10 min read

Counting Outs in Poker – How to Count Outs and Calculate Equity

The game revolves greatly around mathematics, and concepts you need to be good at differ from very simple to fairly advanced. Counting outs in poker is probably the simplest of them all.  It literally only […]

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How to Calculate Implied Odds in Your Poker Games
November 15, 2023 8 min read

How to Calculate Implied Odds in Your Poker Games

Implied odds are one of those concepts that you often hear being thrown around in poker conversations but that many players don’t fully understand. In fact, it could be said that a vast majority of […]

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Calculating Pot Odds in Poker – What Is the Best Way?
November 3, 2023 10 min read

Calculating Pot Odds in Poker – What Is the Best Way?

Poker is a game of mathematics, regardless of what anyone will tell you, and pot odds are one of the most important concepts in the game. Many poker players learn how to calculate their odds […]

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Five Sixth Street Mistakes You’re Making
October 26, 2023 10 min read

Five Sixth Street Mistakes You’re Making

“Hold it, Lee – how can I make a mistake on a street that doesn’t even exist?” Au contraire, my poker buddy. Firstly, ever since there has been seven-card stud, there have been sixth (and […]

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Ranges in Poker – Analyze Your Hands Like a Pro
October 17, 2023 8 min read

Ranges in Poker – Analyze Your Hands Like a Pro

The biggest challenge players face when learning how to play poker is figuring out what hand their opponent is holding. While many players focus on guessing the exact two cards their opponent has, poker pros […]

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